Hispanic Immigrants Demonstrate; "Illegal" Not In Spanish Dictionary
Hispanic iimmigrants by the thousands demonstrated about what they claim is their right to become citizens of the land of the gringo. While we welcome the effort of everyone who wishes to become a citizen of our free and frazzled nation, we did note that there appeared to be no distinction made between immigrants who reside here in placid legality and those who do so with anxious illegality.
We looked into the matter and discovered that the word illegal is actually not in the Spanish dictionary. We entered the English version in an online Spanish-English dictionary, which returned the following result: Spanish Matches: Sorry, no Spanish matches found.
This explanation seemed too easy, so we decided we had inadequately pursued the matter and went at it again. We then learned that there is indeed a spanish word for illegal, but, expectedly enough, its spelled slight
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Hispanic immigrants demonstrated by the thousands about what they claim is their right to become citizens of the land of the gringo.
While we welcome the effort of everyone who wishes to become a citizen of our free and frazzled nation, we did note that there appeared to be no distinction made between immigrants who reside here in placid legality and those who do so with anxious illegality.
We looked into the matter and discovered that the word illegal is not in the Spanish dictionary. We entered the English version of the controversial term in an online Spanish-English dictionary, which returned the following result: Spanish Matches: Sorry, no Spanish matches found.
This seemed too easy an explanation of the nationwide regard for the subject as mums the word, so we decided we had inadequately pursued the matter and went at it again. We then learned that there is indeed a spanis
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